Street Photos of Mardi Gras in Nevada City
After an interesting and eye opening chat I had with Reuben Redding a few weeks ago, I have been shooting various subjects with different cameras in an effort to try and find my way. One thing that came up in that discussion was that I seem to want to label myself a “street photographer” or a “landscape photographer” instead of just a “photographer.”
Quarantine in Roseville
I took a walk through downtown Roseville to see how the local shops and restaurants were dealing with the crisis. The place was a ghost town with only a handful of people out and about on a beautiful spring day.
San Francisco Pride Weekend
This past weekend my wife and I took our 17 year-old daughter down to San Francisco for the weekend to experience Pride weekend. She is a lesbian and has a hard time meeting others where we live so we wanted her to know what it felt like to be around lots of others like herself.
Matt Stuart Workshop
I was in a weird place when I arrived at the start of the weekend and I left with even more confusion and some clarity at the same time. We spent all day shooting Saturday and then spent all day Sunday critiquing each other’s work in the most brutally honest way I’ve ever experienced.
The Irvine Family Shoot
I met up with Amy, a friend from college, for a Documentary Family Photography shoot. She suggested I shoot her and her kids while they played a around of golf. Turns out Amy’s son and daughter are both on the golf team in High School and Amy thought it would be fun to capture them in that milieu.
Mountain Bike Race
This past weekend we went out to Folsom Lake to watch my niece’s High School Mountain Bike team compete in a race. It was fun to see her compute in such a wonderful sport.